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From Power (point) to Magic(point) -- Presentations using your Linux box

right left

These positions are relative to the size of the frame you ask the MagicPoint to be drawn in. Let us illustrate with this example,

mgp -g 800x600 timepass.mgp and

mgp -g 400x300 timepass.mgp.

Both of these lines would display the same slide but in a frame of reducing size. As a word of caution always test your slides for the positioning and the way they look as the frame size changes.

%center, fore red, font thick <--5

The last part of the command is fore red, which mentions that MagicPoint should draw the words in RED.

font thick specifies that the words should be drawn BOLD. So you see it's as simple as it looks.

%rcutin <--6

You might have noticed the particular feature in PowerPoint, which allows your point to be shot in from the sides of the screen with a bullet effect. Similar is the rcutin and lcutin options out here. The rcutin option causes the following line to be shot in from the right of the screen while lcutin causes the line to be shot in from the left of the screen. Try out some of these exquisite effects for your presentations, it makes things look really impressive.


All the commands that we mentioned in lines 5 and 6 were applicable to line number 7.

%center, size 4, fore white, lcutin <--8

And also Welcome to Linux <--9

Let us have a look at the following lines as mentioned above. There is nothing new out here in lines 8 and 9. All the points as explained earlier apply themselves similarly.

%rcutin <--10

From FreeOS.com <--11

%size 3, lcutin <--12

trevor@freeos.com <--13

%size 4, fore yellow <--14

!! Type SPC key to get to next page!! <--15