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From Power (point) to Magic(point) -- Presentations using your Linux box

We would suggest you first have a look at the various sample presentations, most of them are good enough to get you started. You can also create your own slides using the default ?sample.mgp? as reference. The basic funda of MagicPoint is all the slides are created in a single ASCII TEXT file stored with an extension of ?mgp?. Every slide is scripted using a very simple language as we are going to illustrate as follows. Open your favorite text editor and name your first presentation with an extension of mgp(*.mgp).

The first slide is illustrated as follows:

%include default.mgp <-- 1


%page <--2

%nodefault <--3

%fore yellow, size 5, font standard, back darkblue <-- 4

%center, fore red, font thick <--5

%font standard, rcutin <--6


%center, size 4, fore white, lcutin <--8

And also Welcome to Linux <--9

%rcutin <--10

From FreeOS.com <--11

%size 3, lcutin <--12

trevor@freeos.com <--13

%size 4, fore yellow <--14

!! Type SPC key to get to next page!! <--15

Let's look at a a line by line explanation of the presentation. The line numbers are the ones to the right of the script on each line. Neglect them when scripting your own presentation.

%include default.mgp <-- 1