# Linux Shell Script Tutorial # Q2. Script to find out bigest number # # Algo: # 1) START: Take three nos as n1,n2,n3. # 2) Is n1 is greater than n2 and n3, if yes # print n1 is bigest no goto step 5, otherwise goto next step # 3) Is n2 is greater than n1 and n3, if yes # print n2 is bigest no goto step 5, otherwise goto next step # 4) Is n3 is greater than n1 and n2, if yes # print n3 is bigest no goto step 5, otherwise goto next step # 5) END # # if [ $# -ne 3 ] then echo "$0: number1 number2 number3 are not given" >&2 exit 1 fi n1=$1 n2=$2 n3=$3 if [ $n1 -gt $n2 ] && [ $n1 -gt $n3 ] then echo "$n1 is Bigest number" elif [ $n2 -gt $n1 ] && [ $n2 -gt $n3 ] then echo "$n2 is Bigest number" elif [ $n3 -gt $n1 ] && [ $n3 -gt $n2 ] then echo "$n3 is Bigest number" elif [ $1 -eq $2 ] && [ $1 -eq $3 ] && [ $2 -eq $3 ] then echo "All the three numbers are equal" else echo "I can not figure out which number is biger" fi