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To be or not to be: GNU / Linux?

I am not trying to discourage corporates basing their products and services on GNU/Linux. I want them to understand the underlying phenomenon that has led to the development of the Open Source movement and the appearance of various Open Source OS' like Free BSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, GNU/Linux, etc. This process will help them be more responsible to the movement, which is giving them so much. As an implementer of Open Source technology, who is constantly on the lookout for cutting edge solutions on the Open Source platform, I feel that pushing Linux is a win - win situation for the GNU movement out there. After all, at the heart of the Linux box are GNU tools and utilities. Yes, but die hard GNU fans will still object to calling Linux the true GNU OS because most of them feel that Linux has hijacked their efforts and now takes precedence over all the hard work done by the GNU movement in the form of a wonderful suite of GNU tools, compilers, libraries and various other utilities.

Signing off for now, I would like to deliver this message to the community at large. Call your OS of choice whatever you would like, but when you go about evangelizing the Open Source movement, take some time out to thank those who toiled to get the wonderful suite of GNU tools, compilers, libraries and various other utilities ready for us Linux guys to make use of.